DEMOS: Journal of Demography, Ethnography and Social Transformation
About Journal
Journal Demography, Ethnography and Social Transformation (Jo-DEST) provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Published 2 times a year in Juli and Desember. Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields;
- Demographical components (fertility, mortality, mobility),
- Population dynamics
- System dynamic analysis in demography, etnography, or social transform
- Examines and analyses the issues in societies,
- Analysis of population study seen from both the quantity and the quality.
- Human Ecology covers the relationship between population, natural resources, and environment,
- Family encompasses maternal and child health, adolescence, and ageing.
- Social and cultural anthropology
- Social identity;
- Interactionism and symbolism;
- The religion of anthropology.
- Ethnography of communication.
- Anthropological tourism.
- Medical anthropology
Sustainability: Theory, Practice and Policy
Sustainability; Theory, Practice and Policy is an international and cross-disciplinary scholarly, open access journal of theory, practice and policy on social, economy and environmental sustainability of society, which provides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development. Published 2 times a year in April and October. Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields;
- Development and realization of local and national policies and international treaties for sustainable development.
- Inclusive public policy process.
- The governance of sustainable development effort both in local and national level.
- Development and realization of national policies and international treaties for sustainable development.
- Human Geography
- Social Innovation
- Smart City Initiative
- Smart Village Movement
- Climate Change
- Social entrepreneur
- Sustainable economic activities.
- Religious tolerance
- Renewable energy
- Poverty
- Gender and inequality
Al-Risalah adalah jurnal terbitan berkala ilmiah yang telah “TERAKREDITASI” Nasional (Sinta 2) melalui SK. Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan KEMENRISTEK dan Dikti RI No.l/E/KPT/2015. Al-Risalah terbit dua kali se-tahun oleh Fakultas Syariah UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi sejak 2001, yaitu Juni dan Desember.
Kehadiran Al-Risalah berfokus kepada kajian ilmu-ilmu syariah dan ilmu hukum. Dengan demikian, Jurnal ini diharapkan menjadi ruang pemikiran kritis dan terbuka bagi semua kalangan (akademisi, intelektual, mahasiswa, dsb) yang konsen terhadap perkembangan ilmu syariah dan ilmu hukum.
Visi : Menjadi Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Ilmu Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum yang Berkualitas.
Misi : Mempublikasikan hasil riset ilmiah dibidang Ilmu Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, baik secara nasioanal maupun internasional.
Tujuan : Meningkatkan kualitas publikasi ilmiah dibidang Ilmu Syariah dan Ilmu Hukum yang dapat menjadi sumber data dan rujukan bagi semua pihak.
ISSN: 1979-598X (p) 2548-1770 (e)
Kontekstualita Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan is a social-religious research journal, focuses on social sciences and religious studies. It is intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. The subject covers the field of studies and literary with various perspectives i.e. philosophy, culture, history, politics, education, law, art, theology, sufism, ecology and much more.
This journal is published by Institute for Research and Community Services (LP2M), Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Indonesia and managed to be issued twice in every volume. We warmly welcome contributions from scholars and researchers of many disciplines. Kontekstualita Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia,with the certificate number 36a/e/KPT/2016.
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Business E-ISSN: 2540-9506 P-ISSN: 2540-9514 is the journal that concerns to publish broader issues on Islamic Economics and Business. It based on a presupposition that Islamic economics and Business is still on going process to be established. There is a need to serious study on not only limited to Islamic banking and financing system but also on philosophy, politic, environment, law, culture, ethics, management and entrepreneurship of ‘Islamic Economics’. The journal aimed at bridging and solving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ problems of Islamic economics. So, the journal invites scholars who interesting in Islamic economics and Business contributes to submit their research article.
Sulthan Thaha Journal of Social and Political Studies
Jurnal Sulthan Thaha Journal of Social and Political Studies (STJSPS) dengan p-ISSN: 2599-2813; e-ISSN: 2615-6172 adalah peer-reviewed journal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel ilmiah dari berbagai disiplin ilmu sosial dan politik meliputi:
1. Ilmu Pemerintahan
2. Ilmu Administrasi
3. Studi Komunikasi
4. Antropologi
5. Geografi
6. Ilmu Lingkungan
7. Psikologi
8. Sosiologi
9. Kriminologi
10. Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial
11. Hubungan Internasional
12. Manajemen & Kebijakan Publik
13. Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan
Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di Jurnal STJSPS meliputi hasil penelitian ilmiah (diprioritaskan), artikel ulasan ilmiah yang memiliki kebaruan, atau komentar dan/atau kritik terhadap tulisan ilmiah yang dipublikasikan oleh Jurnal STJSPS. Jurnal STJSPS dikelola oleh LPPM UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, yang menerima manuskrip atau artikel dalam bidang ilmu sosial dan politik dari berbagai akademisi dan peneliti, baik nasional maupun internasional. Artikel-artikel yang dimuat di Jurnal STJSPS adalah artikel yang telah melalui proses penelaahan oleh Mitra Bebestari (peer-reviewers). Keputusan diterima atau tidaknya artikel ilmiah di jurnal ini menjadi hak dari Dewan Penyunting berdasarkan atas rekomendasi dari Mitra Bebestari.
Jurnal STJSPS menerbitkan 2 (dua) nomor setiap tahun (volume), yaitu di bulan Juli dan Desember. Untuk penulis yang ingin menerbitkan tulisannya di Jurnal STJSPS, diharapkan mengirim naskah artikelnya paling lambat dua bulan sebelum bulan terbit Juli/Desember tersebut.
ILTIZAM Journal of Shariah Economics Research
Iltizam Journal of Shariah Economic Research is the journal that publishing the research result in the area of sharia economic, namely sharia banking and financing, micro and macro economy, and the issues of regional development that studied by sharia economic perspective. Iltizam cordially invites the academician, researchers, and others to submit their research article that in line with our focus and scope
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
IJIEB E-ISSN: 2540-9506 P-ISSN: 2540-9514 is the journal that concern to publish a broader issues on Islamic Economics and Business. It based on presupposition that Islamic economics and Business is still ongoing process to be established. There is a need to serious study on not only limited to Islamic banking and financing system but also on philosophy, politic, environment, law, culture, ethics, management and entrepreneurship of ‘Islamic Economics’. The journal aimed at bridging and solving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ problems of Islamic economics. So, the journal invites the scholars who interesting on Islamic economics and Business contributes to submit their research article.
Harakat an-Nisa: Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak
Harakat an-Nisa is providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, goverment agencies, practitioners and students all over the world to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews on gender and children issues and their roles in social life, education, culture, law, economy, politic and religion.
Physics and Science Education Journal (PSEJ)
Physics and Science Education Journal (PSEJ) (P-ISSN 2776-5903;E-ISSN 2776-8163) is a forum for communicating scientific advances in the field of physics, physics education and science education. It publishes comprehensive research articles and invited reviews by leading expert in the field. Papers will be selected that high scientific merit, impart important new knowledge, and are of high interest to physics, physics education and science education community. Physics and Science Education Journal (PSEJ) periodically published three times a year in April, August and December, Every issue consisted of 7 - 10 articles. This journal is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or/ institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full-text articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or author.
Tanah Pilih
Tanah Pilih (Journal of Local Politics and Government Studies) is a journal published by the Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Published 2 times a year in April and October. Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields;
- Local Politics
- Local Government SystemS
- Governance
- Regional Development
- Public Policy
- Public Service
- Conflict Resolution and Management
- Customary Government
Manajemen Keuangan Syariah
Jurnal Makesya is a journal published by the Program Studi Manajemen Keuangan Syariah UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. published 2 times a year in June and December. Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:
- Management of Islamic Business, Entrepreneurship, and Tourism
- Banking
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Financial management
- Business management
- Business security and privacy issues
- E-Business and International business issues
- Consumer behavior and Customer relationship management
- Marketing management and strategies
- Relationship management
- Management and retail marketing
- Islamic Risk Management and Sharia Insurance